Top 10 friendship SMS

1.       God picked up a flower n dipped it in dew,
He lovingly touched it, & it turned into you.
And then he gifted it to me
n said this friend is 4 you.


2.       Its not an achievement to
make 1000's friends in a year,
but an achievement is when
you make a friend for 1000's years.


3.       To live a life i need heartbeat,
2 have heartbeat i need a heart,
2 have heart i need happiness,
to have happiness i need a friend,
and 4 a friend i need U ALWAYS


4.       Keeping a friend is as difficult
as losing one. U sacrifice a lot to
Keep Them. I may not have sacrificed
enough 4 u... But in my heart i swear
i'm Keeping u..


5.       MY friendship is just like a rubber band,
It is too flexible,
Stretch it as much as u can,
but if u leave it,
it will hurt u a lot, really a lot!


6.       MY friendship is just like a rubber band,
It is too flexible,
Stretch it as much as u can,
but if u leave it,
it will hurt u a lot, really a lot!


7.       Think of me and keep in mind
A faithful friend is hard to find
But if you find one equal and true
Never leave him for the new :)



8.       Friends are like bum cheeks.
Crap might separate them,
But they always come back together.


9.       Before I got in touch with u,
I used to gaze at stars as they were only my friends.
But after I met u,I started believing
that stars do fall on Earth.


10.   True friends are those,
Who care without hesitation,
Who remember without limitation,
Who forgive without explanation &
Who trust without communication.












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