How to Measure Signal Strength Accurately

Follow the below steps:

1. Open the Phone keyboard. 

2. Type *3001#12345#* and then hit call:

3. As soon as you tap the Call button, the Field Test app will open:

4. You’ll notice that instead of the standard reception bars in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, you’ve got a negative number indicating the decibels referenced to one milliwatt (dBm).

The problem is that, as soon as you tap that Home button to exit the Field Test app, your signal will be back to normal. So to keep it in numeric mode:

5. While in Field Test app, hold down the Sleep/Turn Off button until the Slide to power off screen comes up. Now, instead off the phone, hold Home button for a couple of seconds until it sends you back to the Home Screen.

That's it. And you may notice while in home screen you can tap the upper left corner to toggle between bars and numerical display.

This is vastly better than the usual bars, especially when you are in a poor reception building or similar location where you want to hunt around and find the best corner or room to get service.

-> For IOS7 this still works. While in the Field Test app, hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button until the phone turns off (Simply holding the power button and using the "Slide to turn off" function will revert back to bars).

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