How to Setup Your Medical ID

In case of emergency, how do you contact dearest ones when phone is locked? This is where medical ID comes in.

The first thing you must do is set up a medical ID.

Setting up your Medical ID

  • Go to the health app and choose medical ID in the bottom right corner.

Here's what you can do in medical ID

  1. Set up your emergency contacts.

  2. Set up details about your health (Allergies, Medical conditions, medications, blood group….)

  3. Specify whether you are an organ donor

  4. Your height and weight details

The contacts you've set up as emergency can be contacted in case of one. Try this now -

  • Lock your screen, wake the screen up and slide it to the right. Now touch the emergency button in the bottom left corner. Try calling someone other than the Police or ambulance. You can't!

  • Once you set up medical ID, it will make it easier for people to contact your family first.

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